“An enthusiastic performer that just wants to have fun”

• The Pro-Ject Debut Evo 2 counters with a beautifully fluid delivery and a particularly lovely and sweet-toned midrange. It’s with voices and instruments such as piano that the Evo 2’s true talent lies. The tone of these notes that really charm us – there is a delicacy here that is addictive to listen to. At this level, it’s a solid recommendation.


Balanced audio connections are standard among professional musicians, recording studios, and for live concerts. It is essential to have a stable & interference-free connection as these signals, especially microphone signals, will be highly amplified.

Cartridges are balanced signal transducers by nature! Due to the internal wiring of MM cartridges, you'll need to upgrade your turntable with an MC cartridge or our special Pick it PRO Balanced to access the entirety of that balanced signal. Together with our new True Balanced Connection cables you'll be able to access high-end features that were previously only available on the most expensive of phono stages. And the best of all: any Pro-Ject turntable with RCA, miniXLR or 5P outputs can do it!

“It gives you soul”

• The EVO 2 gives you personality that is extra detail, extra subtleties, extra emphasis in that information. The EVO 2 is for audiophiles yes of course but also it‘s for the general music lover who wants those little subtleties, wants intensity from their favorite entertainers and, wants those little details that make all the difference between a rehearsal and a true performance.


Balanced audio connections are standard among professional musicians, recording studios, and live concerts. It is essential to have a stable & interference-free connection as these signals, The significant advantage of a balanced connection is its ability to remove picked up noise and interferences.

The Debut PRO B comes with our balanced MM cartridge - the Pick it Pro Balanced - and a balanced mini XLR phono output.

Cartridges are balanced signal transducers by nature! Due to the internal wiring of typical MM cartridges, until now, you needed to upgrade your turntable with an MC cartridge. But not with the new Pick it Pro Balanced! Our special Pick it PRO Balanced has been modified to access the entirety of that balanced signal.

Together with our separately available True Balanced Connection cables and true balanced phono stages - for example the Phono Box S3 B or DS3 B - you'll be able to access high-end features that were previously only available on the most expensive of turntable setups.

Accessoires for Debut line